Program Schedule

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Junior Bull Riding

Junior Bull Riding is a rodeo event that provides young aspiring bull riders, typically aged 8 to 17, with the opportunity to experience the excitement and challenges of bull riding in a controlled and supportive environment. In this event, young riders are matched with smaller bulls known as steers, ensuring a safer experience while still delivering the thrill of the ride. Riders must stay on the bull for a full six seconds, demonstrating their balance, strength, and courage. Protective gear, such as helmets and vests, is mandatory to enhance safety. Junior bull riding not only helps develop essential rodeo skills but also builds confidence and resilience, laying the groundwork for future participation in more advanced levels of the sport.

bareback riding

Bareback Bronc Riding, one of rodeo’s oldest sports, dates back to the Wild West when ranchers tamed wild horses for work and transportation.

With just a riggin’ and his arm, the cowboy faces a physically demanding challenge. The riggin’ is a suitcase-style handhold attached to leather wrapped around the bronc’s girth. Before the chute opens, the cowboy ensures a tight grip and marks out by touching both spurs to the bronc’s shoulders until its feet hit the ground. Failing to mark out results in disqualification.

As the bronc bucks, the cowboy pulls his knees up and rolls his spurs up the bronc’s sides, straightening his legs to the shoulders when the bronc descends. This motion is repeated for eight seconds.

Judges score both rider and bronc out of 50 points each for a total of 100. The rider’s spurring technique and toe position are evaluated, while the bronc’s unique bucking style is also considered.


junior quadrille

Steer wrestling

Steer Wrestling, or bulldogging, showcases the strength and teamwork of a bulldogger and a hazer. The goal is to wrestle a steer to the ground quickly. The bulldogger must grab a steer at 30 mph and wrestle it down, despite the steer weighing more than double the cowboy.

Starting in boxes on either side of a chute, the bulldogger and hazer chase the steer after it gets a head start. Breaking the barrier early adds a 10-second penalty.

The hazer guides the steer towards the bulldogger, who slides off his horse, hooks his arms around the steer's horns, and digs his feet in to wrestle the steer to the ground. The clock stops when the steer is on its side with all four feet pointing in the same direction.

team roping

Team Roping is all about coordination between two cowboys: the “header” and the “heeler.” The steer gets a head start from the chute. The header aims to lasso the steer around the horns, head, or neck. Any other catch is illegal, and breaking the barrier early adds a 10-second penalty.

After a successful catch, the header dallies the rope to his saddle and turns the steer, positioning its hind legs toward the heeler. The heeler then ropes both hind legs; catching only one leg adds a five-second penalty. The clock stops when both ropes are tight, and the horses face the steer.

mutton bustin'

Mutton Bustin' is a popular and entertaining rodeo event designed specifically for young children, typically between the ages of 4 and 7. In this event, kids ride on the back of a sheep, gripping tightly to its wool as the sheep runs around the arena. The goal is to hang on for as long as possible, with the average ride lasting just a few seconds. This event not only provides excitement and laughter for the audience but also instills a sense of achievement and courage in the young riders.

saddle bronc riding

Saddle Bronc Riding is rodeo’s classic event, tracing its roots back to the Old West, where cowboys would break and train wild horses to work the cattle ranches. Known as the toughest rodeo event, it requires the rider to sync perfectly with the bronc's movements, unlike the wild rides of bareback bronc riding.

Riders must follow the “mark out” rule, with both spurs touching the bronc’s shoulders until its feet hit the ground. Failure to do so results in disqualification. Unlike bareback riding, the saddle bronc rider holds only a thick rein attached to the bronc’s halter. One hand holds the rein while the other stays in the air; touching the bronc or their own body with the free hand results in disqualification.

Judges score both rider and bronc out of 50 points each, for a total of 100. The rider's control, spurring action, and outward-pointed toes are evaluated. The bronc’s bucking ability and the smoothness and rhythm of the ride also factor into the final score.


tie down roping

The cowboy waits as a calf gets a head start. Once the barrier drops, he chases the calf, ropes its neck, leaps off his horse, and flanks it. With his horse keeping tension, he ties three of the calf's legs with a “piggin’ string.” He signals the judge by throwing his hands up to stop the clock, then remounts his horse. Breaking the barrier early adds a 10-second penalty, but if the calf kicks free within six seconds, it's no-time for the cowboy!

Barrel racing

Barrel Racing combines horsemanship and the horse's agility in a fast-paced event. The rider maneuvers the horse in a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels set in a triangle. The goal is to complete the run as quickly as possible, with the time recorded by an electric eye or a judge with a flag.

The race starts when the horse and rider cross the start line at full speed. They can circle either the left or right barrel first, then cross to the opposite barrel, and finally, race around the third barrel. The clock stops once they cross the finish line. Riders can touch the barrels, but knocking one down adds a five-second penalty per barrel.

junior Barrel racing

Junior Barrel Racing is a thrilling rodeo event designed for young riders, typically between the ages of 5 and 13. This event tests both the agility of the horse and the skill of the young rider as they navigate a cloverleaf pattern around three barrels set in a triangular formation. Junior Barrel Racing not only hones the riders' horsemanship and competitive spirit but also fosters a deep bond between horse and rider. It serves as a foundational experience for many aspiring rodeo athletes, blending excitement, discipline, and athleticism in a supportive, youth-centered environment.

bull riding

Bull Riding is the rodeo’s most thrilling and dangerous event, where cowboys must ride a bucking bull for eight intense seconds using only a bull rope for a handhold.

The contestant mounts a 2,000-pound bull and grasps a flat braided rope tied around the bull’s chest. With one hand on the rope and the other in the air, touching the bull or themselves with the free hand results in no score. The rope, tightened around the bull, is the cowboy's lifeline. Unlike other roughstock events, bull riders aren’t required to spur the bull (have their spurs touching the bull), though it can boost their score.

Judges score both the rider and the bull, each out of 50 points, for a potential total of 100 points. Riders are judged on balance, reflexes, and coordination with the bull’s movements. Bulls are evaluated on their bucking style, whether they spin tightly, jump high, or buck fiercely. The combined performance determines the final score.


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upcoming events

Boots, Bulls and Barrels

Saturday, October 5 at 7:30 p.m.

This exciting event promises a night of action-packed entertainment featuring three of the most popular rodeo events: barrel racing, saddle bronc riding, and bull riding. Watch as skilled cowgirls and cowboys showcase their talents, competing for cash in these thrilling events. It's a perfect night out for the whole family, filled with fun, excitement, and a taste of true rodeo spirit.

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Annual Silver Spurs Rodeo Parade

Saturday, February 15, 2025

The cherished tradition of Osceola County on February 15, 2025, in St. Cloud, Florida.


14th Annual Monster Bulls

Saturday, February 15, 2025

They’re fierce. They’re feisty. They’re bred to buck! Join us for a night of just bull riding where the biggest and baddest Silver Spurs bulls will enter the arena and give the cowboys the ride of their life. Watch the fearless cowboys take their positions on massive bulls for an eight-second challenge against one another. Experience the grit, athleticism, and instinct of both rider and bull.

154th Silver Spurs Rodeo

February 20 - 23, 2025

One of Osceola County’s longest and most treasured traditions, the Silver Spurs Rodeo is hosted every third weekend in February and features all seven traditional rodeo events: bull riding, saddle bronc riding, bareback riding, steer wrestling, team roping, tie-down roping, and barrel racing. Well known as one of the best indoor rodeos of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA), the Silver Spurs Rodeo draws contestants from all over the nation to compete for bragging rights and cold. hard. CASH!

155th Silver Spurs Rodeo

Friday & Saturday, May 30 - 31, 2025

School’s out and the rodeo is in! Join us this summer at the Silver Spurs Rodeo and enjoy the dirt-pounding action from the shelter of the Sunshine State's heat! Watch the sport of rodeo's seven traditional events: bull riding, bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, tie-down roping, team roping, steer wrestling, and women's barrel racing.

Boots, Bulls and Barrels

Saturday, October 4, 2025

Get ready for a thrilling night of action-packed entertainment featuring two of the rodeo's most popular events: barrel racing and bull riding. Watch as talented cowgirls and cowboys put their skills to the test, competing for cash prizes in these heart-pounding competitions. It's the perfect family outing, brimming with excitement, fun, and an authentic taste of true rodeo spirit.

Veteran voucher

Every June we honor our veterans to say thank you for protecting our freedoms. This year, all Veterans can pick up a voucher in the lobby for a free hotdog or hamburger and a drink courtesy of the Silver Spurs Riding Club with their paid admission and proof of service.

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